Sunday, January 30, 2011

Portraiture Mini Assignment One: Beauty Lighting

The first mini assignment in my Portraiture class was to photograph a classmate using beautiful, flattering lighting. So I chose to photograph Christie Sindlefoofie dressed as women from different eras.

When I think of the 20s, I think of Flappers and how they stepped out beyond the normal role of women.

When I think of women in the 50's, I think of the accentuation of the domesticated woman and the lack of control they had if they wanted to be accepted by society.

This is a modern day business woman - strong, confident and completely void of chains holding her down.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Christmas Card

Over winter break, I got the opportunity to photograph my awesome professor [Joy] her husband [Jason], and lil babe [Emmet] for their Christmas card photo. Here were the two best:

Saturday, January 15, 2011


Thus far in my photographic adventures, I've never tried to recreate another photograph, painting or any other piece of art. Until this winter break. I was randomly browsing through a photography book when I stumbled upon this photo of Steve Martin shot by Annie Leibovitz.

At the time I found this photograph, I was already planning on doing a photoshoot with my good friend, Trishna Helmick. She's an AMAZING singer and model and we always find ourselves brainstorming on our next shoot, even when we won't even be in the same state for months. We had actually been planning a shoot in the snow since last Fall, so when I came across Leibovitz's photograph, a lightbulb came on in my head.

So I found myself creating a solid snow canvas and painting the snow with black wall paint. It was interesting, and appropriately challenging for the both of us. And I'm so incredibly happy with the results. So here they are:

Final Project: Memories

As a child, I remember growing up at my grandma's house and the lake. There were always certain things in my grandma's house that I remember seeing all the time, and these particular things and places in her house still seem to resinate with me. So with this project, I re-visted these areas to photograph them as simply and truthfully as I could.

When I originally started this work, my grandmother was in and out of the hospital. Since she's 96 years old, I was worried about her health and prayed it didn't take a turn for the worst. This got me thinking about the space in which I was shooting. This house is where I made some of the best childhood memories and most of the house is exactly as I remember it growing up. This got me thinking about the house after my grandmother passes. With my mother being willed the house, I'm sure my family will move in while most of the stuff there will move out. I tried envisioning the space empty, and it made me even more grateful and willing to photograph these objects as they are now. They remind me of how things were as a child, and hopefully will remind me in the future how things are at this very moment.